Here are the latest publications from our research group:


“Information Transfer in Neuronal Circuits: From Biological Neurons to Neuromorphic Electronics” INTELLIGENT COMPUTING
Gandolfi, D; Benatti L.; Zanotti T.; Boiani GM.; Bigiani A.; Puglisi FM.; Mapelli J.


“Biologically Plausible Information Propagation in a CMOS Integrate-and-Fire Artificial Neuron Circuit with Memristive Synapses”, NANO Futures
Benatti, Lorenzo; Zanotti, Tommaso; Gandolfi, Daniela; Mapelli, Jonathan; Puglisi, Francesco Maria

“Editorial: Insights in cellular neurophysiology: 2022”, Front. Cell. Neurosci.
Mapelli, L.; Mapelli, J., Wicher, D.

“Full-scale point-neuron model of the mouse hippocampal microcircuits”, Nature Computational Science
Boiani, G. M.; Solinas, S.; Preti, G.; Manini, A.; Migliore, M.; Mapelli, J.; Gandolfi, D.

“Full-scale scaffold model of the human hippocampus CA1 area”, Nature Computational Science
Gandolfi, Daniela; Mapelli, Jonathan; MG Solinas, Sergio; Triebkorn, Paul; D’Angelo, Egidio; Jirsa, Viktor; Migliore, Michele


“A realistic morpho-anatomical connection strategy for modelling full-scale point-neuron microcircuits”, Scientific Reports, 2022.
Gandolfi D, Mapelli J, Solinas S, De Schepper R, Geminiani A, Casellato C, D’Angelo E, Migliore M.

“A Hybrid CMOS-Memristor Spiking Neural Network Supporting Multiple Learning Rules.” IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst. 2022 Sep 13.
Florini D, Gandolfi D, Mapelli J, Benatti L, Pavan P, Puglisi FM.

“Long-Term Synaptic Plasticity Tunes the Gain of Information Channels through the Cerebellum Granular Layer”, Biomedicines, 2022
Mapelli, J., Boiani, G.M., D’Angelo, E., Bigiani, A., & Gandolfi, D.

“Emergence of associative learning in a neuromorphic inference network”. Journal of Neural Engineering.
Gandolfi D, Puglisi FM, Boiani GM, Pagnoni G, Friston KJ, D’Angelo E, Mapelli J.

“Editorial: Brain-inspired computing: Neuroscience drives the development of new electronics and artificial intelligence” FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE
Daniela Gandolfi;Francesco Maria Puglisi;Alexander Serb;Michele Giugliano;Jonathan Mapelli


“Modeling Early Phases of COVID-19 Pandemic in Northern Italy and Its Implication for Outbreak Diffusion” Front. Public Health
Gandolfi D, Pagnoni G, Filippini T, Goffi A, Vinceti M, D’Angelo E, Mapelli J.

“Modeling neurotransmission: computational tools to investigate neuronal disorders”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Gandolfi D, Boiani GM, Bigiani A, Mapelli J.

“The effects of the general anesthetic sevoflurane on neurotransmission: an experimental and computational study.” Sci Rep.
Mapelli J, Gandolfi D, Giuliani E, Casali S, Congi L, Barbieri A, D’Angelo E, Bigiani A.

“Real time generation of three dimensional patterns for multiphoton optogenetics stimulation.” Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Pozzi P and Mapelli J.

“Experimental determination of shift-less aberration bases for sensorless adaptive optics in nonlinear microscopy” Optics Express
Talone B, Pozzi P, Cavagnini M, Polli D, Pozzi, G and Mapelli J


“Cellular-resolution mapping uncovers spatial adaptive filtering at the rat cerebellum input stage”. Communications biology
Casali S, Tognolina M, Gandolfi D, Mapelli J, D’Angelo E

“Scattering Compensation for deep brain microscopy: the long road to get proper images” Frontiers in Physics
Pozzi P, Gandolfi D, Porro CA, Bigiani A, Mapelli J

“Inhibitory plasticity: from molecules to computation and beyond” International journal of molecular sciences
Gandolfi D, Bigiani A, Porro CA, Mapelli J